• The eight toon participants are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Comics). Ling-Ling is like Pikachu from Pokémon (Nintendo Games). Xandir is like Link from The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo Games). Princess Clara is like various heroines from animated feature films (Walt Disney). Toot Braunstein is like Betty Boop (Max Fleischer, Paramount). Foxxy Love is like Valerie Brown from Josie and the Pussycats (Hanna-Barbera). Wooldoor Sockbat is like SpongeBob SquarePants (Nickelodeon Network). Guest toon Bucky Bucks is a combination of Donald Trump and Richie Rich (Harvey Comics).
  • 14世纪的朝鲜村庄里,素来有“不可杀”的传说。暴君当政,下令收集民间铁器制造兵器,农民们没了生产物资根本无法生存,村里的老铁匠因为擅自把铁器还给农民,自己被官兵投进大牢。老铁匠在牢里绝食,临死前用泥土和打翻的饭菜捏了一个玩偶,悲痛的女儿将玩偶拿回家,做针线活时不小心刺破手指,血滴在上面,玩偶活了起来。小东西吃铁为生,越长越大,铁匠一双儿女知道,这就父亲常讲的“不可杀”。“不可杀”长成一头巨兽,受姐姐驱使,在农民起义中帮助村人对付官兵,成了农民们的致胜法宝,不过迎来和平的村民发现,已经没有足够的铁供应给“不可杀”当食物,它会吃掉他们所有的劳作工具。英雄成了隐患,为了村民们的生存,姐姐流着眼泪挺身而出,献出自己的生命和“不可杀”同归于尽。